Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Someone You Know Dealing With Depression?

Depression is a part of life for many people. Some get treatment for it and some refuse to admit they have issues that may necessitate medical attention. If you know someone who is dealing with depression, you have to deal with it also. If this is the case in your life, there are some things that you should think about when dealing with that person, and some choices that you may have to make. It is never easy to help someone, but you can be sure to help yourself so you do not end up depressed as well. You can help someone live a better life as they try to do so themselves.

Dealing with depression in a loved one is never easy. They are not the same person that you know and love when they are depressed. Even worse, unless you have experienced depression on your own, there is no way to understand how that person is feeling. It is easy to tell someone to snap out of it or to get over it, but that is not what depression is about. This is a medical condition that often needs medication to turn it around. If you try to bully someone dealing with depression into being happier, you are only going to push them away and make things worse.

If someone you love is dealing with depression that is greatly effecting them and how they feel all of the time, you want to take care of yourself as you are taking care of them. You do not have to be cooped up in the house if that is what they are doing to themselves. You can and should take some time to get out of the house to do something that you love. If you do not, you may be in danger of becoming depressed as well. Do what you can to help them, but remember that you can not change everything for them and that you have to take care of your own mental health in the process.

Ask for help dealing with depression if someone you love is not the same person that they use to be. Some with depression will not do much more than sit around the house, cry, and feel sick. These are all symptoms of major depression. You can find great information about how to help them and to make sure you are okay as well. You may even want to talk to a doctor, even if you can not get them to go see one, about depression and what it means to them, you, and your family. At times, you may have to intervene to get someone to get the help that they need.

At times, depression can quickly lead to suicidal thoughts. If you find that you fear someone dealing with depression is thinking about taking their life, you should do something as soon as you can. You can call 911 for help, or you can call a suicide hot line to get advice on what you should do next. Some say that those that talk about suicide are not really going to do that, but that is a myth. Some may half heartedly want you to stop them, and some may not even realize what they are saying or doing. Never hesitate to do something if you think someone dealing with depression is thinking about ending their life. They may be mad at you when you do something, but that does not matter. Their health and life are what matter in the end.

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