Sunday, December 21, 2008

No better time to talk to your kids about money

While your preschooler may remain happily oblivious, your interested teen may be a little different. It is best for them to learn something from you than to leave it up to the negative and depressing illustrations in media. So when you sit your kids down to talk, what do you say?

Here are some suggestions: You can start by teaching them that everything in life is cyclical — and that goes for financial markets also. Things go up and things go down. And then they go up again and down again. You can liken it to a wave which goes up and down, or to a glass of water you set down on a flat surface. If you knock the glass, the water is disturbed but, in time, it will once again level out. A good way to illustrate this is to enlist a grandparent to talk to your child about growing up during the Great Depression.

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